
Charming hidden gems: international tourists discover culturally rich city in China

2024-07-06 06:33:46 | 来源:新华社

  (ECNS) -- With improved convenience for foreigners visiting China, there has been a marked surge in the enthusiasm of international tourists.

  Tourists from all over the world marvel at China's scenery and culture, and more are sharing their travel experiences on YouTube and other video-sharing sites, gaining substantial viewership.

  Among them is British blogger Adam James Mcilmoyle, who recently visited Quanzhou, Southeast China’s Fujian Province.

  "I had never heard of Quanzhou a month ago, but I’m so glad I came. These cities are so charming,” he said. What’s so fascinating about them? Let's follow his camera and see.

  (Video Source: @亚亚亚亚当)




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